Saturday, December 19, 2015

My plans for Christmas.

Year 5 students wrote what they are going to do at Christmas.

I`m going to decorate my room and clean it. I`m going to visit my friend, relatives and grandparents. My brother and I are going to decorate our Christmas tree. I and my family are going to go skiing and the cinema. On Christmas Eve we are going to open the presents and watch films on TV or film.I like Christmas because it`s so beatiful time and the snowflakes are so nice.

I hope to get a lot of presents at Christmas.  Before Christmas I´m going to learn a poem by heart. On Christmas Eve I´m going to eat a lot of  gingerbread. On Christmas Day we´re going to visit my granny. We´re going to the cemetery, too. We´re going to the church to sing Christmas songs, only my mum likes it. Between Christmas and new year we´re going to do a lot of fun stuff. On New Year´s Day we´re just going to sit home, relax and watch films.

I´m going to decorate my beautiful Christmas tree before Christmas Eve.
I´m going to stay  home for my winter holidays and learn some Christmas poems by heart for Father Christmas. Before Christmas I´m going to clean the house with my family and decorate it. On Christmas Eve we`re going to the cemetery and light up candles. Between Christmas and New Year`s Day we`re going to our neighbour`s place. During the Christmas holidays I´m going to read books, watch TV and play with my cat.
On New Year`s Eve I´m going to watch TV because there are funny shows on and at night I´m going to watch fireworks.

Before Christmas I am going to buy a present to my mum and dad and decorate the Christmas tree. On Christmas Eve I am going to wait for Father Christma. During the Christmas  holidays I am going to build a hut. Between Christmas and new year I am going to eat gingerbread.  On New Year`s Eve I am going to shoot fireworks. On Christmas Day I am going to visit my grandparents.

My plans for Christmas and New Year are cool. Every year we bring a Christmas tree into the room. Father Christmas also comes to share presents. Every year before Father Christmas comes we eat Christmas food together with my family. Father Christmas comes to our countryside home. Every year after Father Christmas we shoot fireworks and after that we go to Tartu to watch more fireworks. I really enjoy Christams and the coming of New Year.

Before Christmas I’m going to clean and hoover my room. On Christmas Eve we are going to eat supper together with my family. Usually after supper Father Christmas comes to visit us and share presents. Every year we bring a Christmas tree into our house. On New Year`s Eve we are going to Annikoru. Usually we shoot fireworks in the centre of Annikoru with others. It’s really cool! I really like Christmas and the New Year.

I'm going to be at home at Christmas and celebrate Christmas with the family .Our Christmas are like this: we invite older brothers and sisters who already live in the village with their families.
My Christmas are wonderful for me. We're going to lay the table and start to eat. We´re going to play board games and look forward to Santa Claus. Santa brings us a gift bag at the door as usual.


Before Christmas I’m going to decorate my room and prepare gifts for my friends and my parents. I'm going to Kilingi- Nõmme for Christmas. Three aunts come to visit me. On New Year`s Eve we´re going to shoot fireworks. As in Kilingi-Nõmme lives my mother's friend and she is a hairdresser, she`ll cut my hair. I would like to get a new phone for Christmas because my phone is broken:(
I´m waiting for Christmas very much:)

Before Christmas I’m going to decorate my home and bring the Christmas tree into home. On Christmas Eve I`m going to open my presents.  On Christmas Day I`m going to have a great time with my family. Between Christmas and New Year I just enjoy my holiday. On New Year’s Day I’m going to my friend`s birthday party.

I`m waiting for Christmas very much. Before Christmas I`m going to visit friends, go skiing and sledging. On Christmas Eve I`m going to clean and decorate my room. On Christmas Day I`m going to open presents and watch a film. Between Christmas and New Year I`m going to go to the cinema. During the Christmas holidays I`m going to visit friends and read a book.
On New Year`s Day I`m going to have a little party at my house with relatives and shoot fireworks.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

JOSEPH CARSON at Konguta School.

On Friday, 4 December Joseph Carson visited our school to talk about internet safety and future technology. Joseph Crason is from Northern Ireland. But for now he`s been living in Estonia for 12 years. He spoke in English, so only those who can speak English and understand English could listen to him. When he talked about future technology, we listened very carefully because about in 5 years people will have self-driving cars, robots and other stuff. About computer safety we learned that if your password is simple like Strong, it takes only 40 minutes for hackers to get this password. But when your password is hard like $tR0nG, it takes about a year to get it. We also learned what not to do on the Internet, what is safe and what is not and other useful things.

Rico-Renar, year- 5 students
Photographed by Pille Granovski

Monday, December 7, 2015

Jingle Bells.

I`m sure that you all know this nice Christmas song "Jingle Bells".
Listen and sing along.

But now, you have a great chance to create the same song but with your own lyrics.
Go ahead.
Click HERE

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Every year, thousands and thousands tourists visit Estonia. Our 5th year students created interactive maps to introduce Estonia and give a better view from the sights and landmarks in Estonia.

Click on round icons.




Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Watch the video and answer the questions.
See how you did.
Look at your score.
Scroll down.
Add your name and Teacher Code ( Kathy43).
Click Send.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

HALLOWEEN INVITATION POSTERS created by the 6th-formers.


A bit scary, creepy and spooky!!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

HALLOWEEN is celebrated on 31st October.

Do these two tasks during your holidays.
After finishing add a comment: I DID IT!  and answer the question: Do you like Halloween? Why?



WATCH A FILM about how to make a pumpkin lantern.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Queen Elisabeth II is the longest-reigning monarch. Kuninganna Elisabeth II on kõige kauem valitsenud monarh.

Kuninganna Elisabeth oli kõigest 25- aastane, kui temast sai kuninganna. Vaata, kuidas ta on muutunud oma 63 valitsusaja jooksul.

Queen Elisabeth II

Friday, October 2, 2015

New classmate.

The year 3 students had a new mate in the English lesson on Friday.
Can you find it in the picture?

Yes, it was a cat. Rasmus`s cat. 
Actually, it`s against the rules to take animals to school, but not on this Friday.
Because we celebrated Pet Day!

Pet Day is a chance for those of us who own pets to show them how much we love them.

DO YOU HAVE A PET? What sort of pet? What colour is your pet? What is your pet`s name?
What can your pet do?

Add a comment.

Monday, September 28, 2015


The  CLASSROOM RULES poster competiton is over.
The winner is Anee-Lisett from the year 5.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Read a book created by our 5-formers.

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Watch the cartoon Masha and The Bear.

Fill in the questionnaire HERE.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Gerli and Jaak wrote articles about famous Estonian people. Can you GUESS who these celebrities are? Add your comment.
READ Gerli`s article.
READ Jaak`s article.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015


April Fool`s Day is celebrated on 1st April every year. On that day people play practical jokes on each other or tell jokes to each other.

April 1st of each year is a fun day for students, as well as teachers. Pulling April Fool's Day jokes on a teacher is a tradition for all students.

Click on a baby duck to read a joke!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Holidays in the UK in March.

While being in England in March I found myself in the centre of three important holidays for British people. First of all, on 13 March the British celebrated RED NOSE DAY. The aim of this day is to raise money for people in need. All children in schools wore red noses.
Secondly, I could celebrate MOTHER`S DAY on 15 March.
And finally I could see people in London celebrating ST PATRICK`S DAY (which is actually an Irish holiday) with marching in  parades of green.

To learn more  click on holidays written in capital letters.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Greetings from London, England.

The British people celebrate Mother's Day today, on Sunday 15 March. The whole London is celebrating with nice flowers and small presents. Shops are nicely decorated and parks are full of happy families.

Student exchange.

On the 11th of March our 6th graders changed places with the 6th graders of Palupera school. There were 7 of us in total, while 7 stayed at school. We went to Palupera  without any teachers from our school, so it was a bit scary.
From this trip I learned that people sometimes treat new people with curiousity and that  can be quite confusing being in unknown places with unknown people.
There were no problems in the lessons, even though some students went a little bit too playful.
I liked the fact that  experience was fresh with new teachers. It's good because you can get bored of the ordinary lessons fast.
I didn't like that when we had our first lessons, the 4th and 5th graders opened the door and looked in. It was quite uncomfortable. The rest of the day was all good and nice.
At first I was  scared by the unknown house and people, especially because it was a manor school and the halls were really tight and small. I was also afraid that I'll get lost, what could really happen, beacause inner of the school was  like a maze.  
The 5th graders really should take part of it  next year! The experience was cool and awesome, doesn't matter if you are at a different school with different teachers or at your school with different students.


I’ll write about our English lesson in Palupera basic school.
At first the 9th grade student talked about their parish, manor and school. It was quite interesting. I understood everything. Then we watched a cartoon “Goldilocks and the three bears”. It was a little bit different from the fairy tale. We had to watch it carefully to say if the sentences about the cartoon were true or false. All of us said right answers. We had some time left before the end of the lesson so we  played a computer game named “Wordbird”. We studied nouns in that game. Then the lesson was over. Some of us thought it was easy. Now I can say how was the English lesson in Palupera basic school.
I liked this day.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Lots of interesting games  which help you to become a world citizen.
Click on the flag of European Union.

Monday, March 2, 2015

German journalist visiting our school.

On 25 February our school was visited by a German journalist. His name is Karsten and he is 24 years old. He collects  some material for  German children radio shows. These shows reflect  children's life in different countries. He saw some interesting data about our school in Estonia and so he decided to visit us in Konguta school.
Karsten interviewed  some of our students. He was interested in digital learning days, homework and everyday computer using. He also took part in  year 3 students` programming lesson. In robotics class he saw some works of the boys and girls in the classroom and talked to robotics teacher Tõnis.  He recorded meetings with some students from different classes. I talked to him too, and he was really interested in the fact that I had tried coding a website once and he also asked me will coding be an important thing to know in the future. I thought it would be really important.

The journalist was happy with the meeting, because he got a lot of useful information. Friendly and cool Karsten was also liked by our students.

Written by Timmu (year 6)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Collaborative work of 5th-formers.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Let`s fly to the future ......the year 2035.

In 2035 I´ll be 33 years old. I think I´ll be married at that time. I´ll probably have one child. My home will be in a big city because I´m fond of city life. I hope I´ll be a lawyer. In 2035 there will be a lot of different  tablets, computers, phones and other stuff. I think I´ll work at home. My job will be much easier than today because technology will be better and more comfortable than today. I´ll have a car which can also fly, ride on water or turn invisible. I can travel quickly anywhere in the world. I´ll have my own summer cottage. I think life in 2035 will be more technologically than today.

Written by KERTU (year 6)

In 2035 I'll be 33 years old. I'll be married and have 4 children. 3 girls and a boy. They will be at the age of 1-10. I'll live in a city, because living in the countryside will be disappearing. I'll be a lawyer and  the owner of a lawyer company. I'll also have a pair of twin-daughters. Being a lawyer won't be much different in 2035. There will be different laws though. Our home will be on the 4th floor in a skyscraper, because I don't like heights. Our flat  or house will have 2 floors, and it' ll have 22 rooms and a huge jacuzzi. Every holiday we'll go on a trip somewhere in the world by our private plane. Written by Timmu (year 6).

In 2035 I´ll be 32 years old. I´ll be married at that time. I´ll probably have two children. I´ll travel by my spaceship to the planet Mandalore. Mandalorian people are more serious than Earth´s people and they´ll have many space vehicles and space stations. I´ll finish The Galactic Academy as a spaceship pilot and as a weapons expert. I´ll  get married there to a Mandalorian woman. I´ll buy a VCX-100 light freighter and a Short-range Corellian shuttle fighter (attaches to the back of the other ship) classes spaceships and travel through the galaxy with my family. After that I´ll work in different places in the galaxy on missions. I´ll stop a lot of conflicts in the galaxy with my missions. When I´ve brought justice and peace to the galaxy, I´ll live with my family on top of a skyscraper on Mandalore. My flat will have a lot of big windows and a landing platform for my ships. My flat will be coloured to plain white, dark red and dark grey. It´ll have a lot of rooms for our needs and we´ll have a personal pool.

Written by JAAK (year 6)


Sunday, January 18, 2015

A home composition written by the 6th-formers

For me, hobby is what you like to do the most in your free time.
My hobby is reading. I like it because I can do it everywhere and everytime. I began reading about seven years ago in  „upper-case letters“. I mostly like adventure stories like „LOTR“, „Eragon“ and „The Hobbit“. I also like sci-fi like „The Hunger Games“ but not so much. I´ve read three books in English. I think reading  is a good activity to everyone. Have a good reading!


My hobby is fishing. Someone thinks fishing is boring.But I think it`s fun.But this activity needs a lot of patience. And it depends on the season.You can catch with lots of things, like spinning or handrod.You can catsh a pike or other fish .But you need good equipment. Go and catch with your own bite.

My hobby is playing computer games. I began playing them five years ago. I only play them at home because we don´t have these computer games in school computers. I usually play every day. My favourite game is Counter- Strike. I play this game on my own computer. I like my hobby very much.

My hobby is dancing. I began dancing six years ago. I dance only at school. Kaie is my dancing teacher. Dancing lessons are twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My favourite dance is Polka. I like to wear national costumes. I like to go to dancing events. Last summer I danced at the dance festival in Tallinn with my schoolmates.  I am seriously interested  in dancing.  Dancing is fun.

A hobby is something someone wants to do in his or her free time. My hobby is reading. I started reading books when I was around 5 or 6. Reading is great, because there are so many books in the world. I usually borrow a book from the library, and when I like it I'm probably going to buy it. I have lots of books at home. You can read almost everywhere. It may take up a lot of your time, but it depends on the book. I don't have a favourite book, but I like Eragon, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter books. My favourite genre is adventure, but I like all the others too. You can also read books that teach you something new.

I think hobby is an activity what you do in your free time.My hobby is rhythmical gymnastics. I do it five times a week. I like it but sometimes I feel exhausted and I need more free time. Gymnastics is expensive sport. Rhythmical gymnastics is an indoor activity. I´ve done gymnastics for 8 years. By doing this I´m happy! My coaches are Airi Pärn, Karmen Orlovski and Sandra Ivanova who teaches ballet to us. In gymnastics I´ve been both the first and the last in competitions.

Thursday, January 8, 2015



In today`s English lesson the 5th-formers played a game called "A LONG NOSE" ("Pikk nina"), in Britain it is called "COCK A SNOOK". This game is a popular party or social game played at birthday or class parties.


Answer the questions:
1. What is your favourite game?
2. When did you last play it?
3. Where did you play it?
4. What games do you usually play alone?
5. What games did you play at your last birthday pary?
